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The sun has left me unaware how i cant remember
How the day was when it's gone
with all its lovely embers
Not even the moon wished to show
Hiding behind the starlight
Even that i missed very dearly
being so peacefully bright
Without you how can i remember
how the day really is
I hope you well
i hope you smile
as i say return sometime during
this September......
The sun came up greeting me with
its warm welcome and bright
presence in the horizon above
As it rises i welcome the old sight
The sight of colors and happiness
Such an exaggeration of life
you have become through out my week
but yet im comfortable and safe
Then the day started to change
The sun was being closed
and the clouds were moving in
and the sky started to turn black
then i leaned back as the water fell
It fell on my hair, and it fell
on my smile as it widened
How i missed you my dear friend.........
In the night sky of sorrow I saw the tears fall at my feet And yet the night was so very silent Not even the stars had a beat It was just the night and its tears Falling down towards me never to be heard And no one but me to see Putting my hand out forward I held some of the tears; seeing my reflection i let it drop like an hour glass of sand......
I have lost track of all the killing I've done, but, I still remember my very first one. So amazing how they look when they are dead, they will no longer be able to trouble your head. Surely these thoughts make me seem bad, surprisingly I do not feel the least bit sad. My hunger is there, for the next kill, the need is stronger than even my will. Some call me a killer, my friends call me Dan, you could just call me the Rodent Control Man......
Stalking my prey by knowing their traits. Silencing them along with their mates. For some I was hired, and others for myself, my equipment is ready right there on the shelf. When I arrive and get out of my truck, my quarry has seen their last bit of luck. Focusing on the job immediately at hand, changing my tactics to fit the demand........
I seem to have done it once again, never remembering all the places I have been. Still hearing the screams sometimes in my sleep, even though I tried to bury them so very deep. Not once sorry for what I have done, yet I see no real urgent need to run. Feeling no fear of them coming back,
For a beating heart is something they lack. Always sleeping fine, for my conscience is clear,
When it comes to slaying I have no peer.......
I count the days until i can see you
Hoping beyond hoping
With faith beyond faith
I Count until I see you
I wait for that perfect day
with me and you
until then I count these days
that are all the same
without you there is only
the wait.......
September 11, 2001 is a time we will always remember when America was brought to her knees, for surrender, Not soon after we got back up on our feet, A country that never understood the meaning of retreat, When the dust settled, Lady Liberty was standing tall, The people of this great land forever refusing to fall. While we were still sifting through the ruination, The nation screamed for an immediate retaliation. Terrorist had tried to bring us down, using our own planes, Now they will see how strong our fighting spirit still remains, They had seen us as a junk yard dog, that was nothing but bark, Now they run and hide from the fangs hunting them in the dark, The moment will come when they will relax, finally feeling secure, Only to be rounded up by the soldiers, who are often obscure. There comes a day when each of us will have to meet our fate, At which, they will have to atone for all their tainted hate, They let loose a relentless flood when they opened the door, Never knowing how fast our revenge would knock them to the floor, With their attack they had attempted to cause the economy to buckle, Yet their effort was not even enough to make our forefathers chuckle. Hoping the time will come when they have to pay for their crime, Meeting true American justice right in the nick of time. Maybe they had prayed that we would beg for mercy, While looking to hide beneath all of the controversy. Finally coming to the conclusion they had made a mistake, When they were running in front of our army's massive wake. In one way or another, America must avenge all those who perished, Memories of those brave and cheated souls will always be cherished......
This poetry is copyrighted so please do not copy or distribute without permission from the author...Melissa Duttlinger