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The sun has left me unaware how i cant remember
How the day was when it's gone
with all its lovely embers
Not even the moon wished to show
Hiding behind the starlight
Even that i missed very dearly
being so peacefully bright
Without you how can i remember
how the day really is
I hope you well
i hope you smile
as i say return sometime during
this September......
The sun came up greeting me with
its warm welcome and bright
presence in the horizon above
As it rises i welcome the old sight
The sight of colors and happiness
Such an exaggeration of life
you have become through out my week
but yet im comfortable and safe
Then the day started to change
The sun was being closed
and the clouds were moving in
and the sky started to turn black
then i leaned back as the water fell
It fell on my hair, and it fell
on my smile as it widened
How i missed you my dear friend.........
In the night sky of sorrow I saw the tears fall at my feet And yet the night was so very silent Not even the stars had a beat It was just the night and its tears Falling down towards me never to be heard And no one but me to see Putting my hand out forward I held some of the tears; seeing my reflection i let it drop like an hour glass of sand......
I have lost track of all the killing I've done, but, I still remember my very first one. So amazing how they look when they are dead, they will no longer be able to trouble your head. Surely these thoughts make me seem bad, surprisingly I do not feel the least bit sad. My hunger is there, for the next kill, the need is stronger than even my will. Some call me a killer, my friends call me Dan, you could just call me the Rodent Control Man......
Stalking my prey by knowing their traits. Silencing them along with their mates. For some I was hired, and others for myself, my equipment is ready right there on the shelf. When I arrive and get out of my truck, my quarry has seen their last bit of luck. Focusing on the job immediately at hand, changing my tactics to fit the demand........
I seem to have done it once again, never remembering all the places I have been. Still hearing the screams sometimes in my sleep, even though I tried to bury them so very deep. Not once sorry for what I have done, yet I see no real urgent need to run. Feeling no fear of them coming back,
For a beating heart is something they lack. Always sleeping fine, for my conscience is clear,
When it comes to slaying I have no peer.......
I count the days until i can see you
Hoping beyond hoping
With faith beyond faith
I Count until I see you
I wait for that perfect day
with me and you
until then I count these days
that are all the same
without you there is only
the wait.......
September 11, 2001 is a time we will always remember when America was brought to her knees, for surrender, Not soon after we got back up on our feet, A country that never understood the meaning of retreat, When the dust settled, Lady Liberty was standing tall, The people of this great land forever refusing to fall. While we were still sifting through the ruination, The nation screamed for an immediate retaliation. Terrorist had tried to bring us down, using our own planes, Now they will see how strong our fighting spirit still remains, They had seen us as a junk yard dog, that was nothing but bark, Now they run and hide from the fangs hunting them in the dark, The moment will come when they will relax, finally feeling secure, Only to be rounded up by the soldiers, who are often obscure. There comes a day when each of us will have to meet our fate, At which, they will have to atone for all their tainted hate, They let loose a relentless flood when they opened the door, Never knowing how fast our revenge would knock them to the floor, With their attack they had attempted to cause the economy to buckle, Yet their effort was not even enough to make our forefathers chuckle. Hoping the time will come when they have to pay for their crime, Meeting true American justice right in the nick of time. Maybe they had prayed that we would beg for mercy, While looking to hide beneath all of the controversy. Finally coming to the conclusion they had made a mistake, When they were running in front of our army's massive wake. In one way or another, America must avenge all those who perished, Memories of those brave and cheated souls will always be cherished......
This poetry is copyrighted so please do not copy or distribute without permission from the author...Melissa Duttlinger
You laid there sleeping in my arms With your eyes closed softly With no more thoughts and no more fear dreaming so peacefully Wishing that i could stay awake and stay this way for eternity just with you laying in my arms, making my dream a reality................
The day has been too long for me counting down the seconds watching as the hands move forward as if they were beckon, and it creeps up slowly forward too scared for the future, but yet i sit and watch it move like a slow adventure, one that i rather be over as soon as possible, but it remains its constant speed, almost unbearable.......
There laid on my desk a blank paper,With no lines and no words,and not even a picture,How it didn't seem bored,Its full of potential like us,its plain with an idea,the idea of possibilities,with no criteria,But the ones that we make ourselves. What will be your first mark?
We make mistakes throughout our lives,that brings us to our knees,And our sad tears to the hard ground,until we are set free,by someones understanding hand,and their caring heart,Our tears can be washed away,but we can never part.
Knowledge is the key to open any door, wisdom is heeding what the future has in store. Regrets are just those chances never taken, moving along without knowledge of what is forsaken. Having the heart to stand for what is right, never losing the will, even when you lose the fight. Carrying the torch of a united front, understanding the need to withstand the brunt. Watching each day as your life ebbs away, wondering just what you are suppose to say........
What do i do with this key,that i bear close to my heart,This key has been with me always,i can not seem to part, with this key that i have realized, that no matter how small, a key may be you can not tell, how wide or how very tall, The chest that you open will be......
How the stomach turns when the worst,is the one thing unknown,You feel you have done something wrong,and your faults will be shown,The knots turn and turn inside you,hurting and hurting you,the mind races for the answers,but you don't have a clue,What is there to do but suffer a curse of being blind,you feel you have done something wrong,but yet nothing to find.......
Staring into the glass at the balcony, Looking at the pigeons that are seated, on the table enjoying a nice meal or treat,Never having to worry about a felony ,I look at the balcony door, wondering if i should go through,just to watch the floor,and everything that flows, but yet i look out the glass, and loose interest because of those building, whats a view without trees or grass, its just a view that is an apple spoiling.
They will give their lives for the ones they love, Yet are thrown to the wolves with one quick shove. They are wise because of what they have learned, That no one is really ever safe from being burned. Not enough words to say what should be said, Spending each day consumed in dread. Some people call them an Angel in disguise, They just think of themselves as a word from the wise. Waking each morning, wondering if this is the day, When they lose the heart to find their way.......
I stared today at the ceiling,with everything gone even my feelings,because of something missing,the sound of your fussing,at my apparent laziness,is something i really miss,or the sound of you just saying,I love you over and over,I can no longer see because of my crying,I hope you get lover........
I tried to say all those things, but could never find the way, Then it was too late, they had already walked away, Making me wonder what they are now planning, And what new flames, they are now fanning. The time had finally come for each of us to say, That the price was more, than we could ever pay. I do not think, they are able to take any of the blame, But when they are in need, they always cry our name...........
Like a river flooding once the dam breaks, our balance is broken and begins to shake. Worrying about those we think are jaded, ownership of our own faults has somehow faded. A constant trial is what it turns out to be, forever looking to find a way to be free. Like a picture that graces the wall, pondering just when it was that we dropped the ball. Seeking someone that we could blame, passing the buck has become the name of the game. That hope of trusting anyone is now lost, another testament to mans creation and its cost..........
My eyes saw beyond their limits,they looked with the guide of faith. They saw beyond the summits, And they saw us in good health. Without faith to guide me beyond what i can see, what use will it be to look ahead without you. Two hearts beating as one.......
Moving away from all the sadness, straight into, some kind of madness. Exploring the dark, for a way out, carrying the weak, and leading the stout. Standing between right and wrong, giving up, on this useless fight. Healing all the unnecessary wrong, taking a cue, from the strong. One crowded hour of glorious life, staying away, from the edge of the knife. Seeing the signs that each of us have grown, trying to recognize what we have always known. A mile in someone Else's shoes, learning how, to pay our dues. Staring too long, you begin to squint, walking ahead, ragged and bent. Envisioning a world that's not so fast, hoping our dream, will come to pass.......
Those scars run deep, and forever remain and become a never ending story of hurt and endless pain. We check our endurance to see if we can go that extra mile, to find the hope that was right in front of us all the while. Yet through all the oceans of tears we cry, it seemed like a dead end. And when we find that hope, we see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is you and it shines, even the hopeless find our way through, time moves on while ours seems to stand still. So if it seems i am not quite there, maybe that is the moment, when my time stands still......
We walk the night with our flickering lamp and beaming smiles, happy with what we have through our trials; Unconcerned with where we're at. In our journey through the dark hand in hand we see the dragon so grand with his den of gems and i walk up to him and say, there is a treasure on my forth finger that means more to me than you could ever measure....
Taking a second and learning to give, seeing others as they learn how to live. Spending all of our energy on what we might find, replaying past moments over in our mind. Closing doors we have already tried, remembering all the times we have cried. Sounds of my screams is all that i hear, closing my eyes becomes my greatest fear. Picking ourselves up and moving away, waiting to see what others will say. Trying all along but could never quite be, was it my fault that i could never see. Staring ahead waiting for our turn, and what it will be that we actually learn............
Watching others lose battles through the years, trying to give up all of their childish fears. Worrying ourselves all through the night, wondering how to win, this one fight. Creating a world all of our own, reaching for something we had never known. The pain somehow becomes our fault, locking away memories in our minds secret vault. Standing up straight on uneven ground, listening to each and every sound. Searching for a way to make it all clear, pondering if we were even that near...................
No longer apart but as a whole, two mates finding their one true soul. Lives no longer out of bounds, writhing together upon the ground. Brought in from the dark of night, forever warmed by the hearts true light. Eternal hope and dreams of need, often get overrun by greed. Our endless wish for direction seems to cause our loss of affection. Linked together until the end, gives our love the time to mend. No end in sight that we can see, for none shall hear our silent plea. Chances taken and restraints thrown aside for one last try on loves great ride. No longer will we be torn apart while trying to protect our fragile heart........
Clouds open, and begin to part, to once again give us a start. Soaring up on loves great high, flying across the midnight sky. Feelings that the two are sharing, becoming one of hope and caring. Walking around, hand in hand, leaving out footprints in the sand. Giving into a warm embrace, no longer having to give chase. Bosoms rise, and chests are falling, signal the start, of loves tender calling.......
The stories of love have all been read, viewed and sampled and eventually said. The cost is finally clear for our love we do hold dear. We hope and dream and begin to pray, our one true love will be here to stay. The future seems bright, with feelings so right. If we chance to answer loves true calling, into each others arms we are falling. Hearts that feel they are afire, burning with loves true desire, staring deep into each others eyes, reliving what the heart denies........
Coming face to face with all the lies, you start looking for a way to break all ties. That sickening feeling comes over you, the ground starts spinning and you wonder what to do. Starting to shiver with a sudden chill, knowing for a fact that you've had your fill. Hoping for one small part of something real, wondering just what you are suppose to feel. The truth is all you have ever wanted, instead of being lied to and taunted. A lasting suspicion is what you are left with, making you wish it was all just a myth........
The hurt is always worse than the fall, especially when you look and there is no one to call. Minutes all seem to go in slow motion, Slowly, like pouring a bottle of lotion. Something you have always believed, only to see, and yet not be relieved. Two worlds come together, and then collide, like the ocean, beating against the tide. All the while they were pretending, your wounds could have been mending. It never helped that you should have known, even if it was something you were never shown. You can never lessen the pain of the cut, if the door of knowledge is left shut.....
I saw her standing there, and i thought that she might share some of the hurt, but she just laughed, and said,"i don't need no one right now", Yet i think it strange, all the signs which pointed to the bottom line that maybe she was never shown just how to make a home. so she took the wrong road and ended up without a home, learning what it is like to survive all on her own. And when she turns bad, they all say it is sad. But just how much are all of us to blame for this great shame that seems to happen everyday.......
Rebecca, my 13 year old daughters contribution to poetry in the moonlight....
Brittany loves to sing, Brittany loves to dance; Brittany always loves to sleep in under pants.....Brittany loves to pray, Brittany loves the doves; Brittany loves Tyler which she will always love. Brittany loves to rock, Brittany loves to draw; Brittany loves cold-blooded animals like animals beginning to thaw. Tyler's getting mad, hes trying to stay with her, but the long distance between them is only making it worse. They try to talk it out, but then they end up fighting; once they went to bed, the angels started crying. Cupids keeping them together , no force on earth can break this; there's nothing that can stop them from the love that always is. They are forces that cant be beat, they are lovers that are obsessed; they love each other to take a closer guess. They are greatness but as soft as a feather. They are like a dove, trying to get to it; they are like a violin that plays me pretty music. Now i shall tell about their lives away from each other, but they shouldn't be apart; them away from each other is terrible for their part. It would rain everyday, Britt would have nothing to live for; as she sat by the window and watched the rain pour. Life would be sad for her, as time passes away; as she tries to just remember the old days. Britt would have no strength, she couldn't even walk; she's lucky that she can even talk. While shes crying her eyes out, Tyler would be getting depressed; if only they would have the strength to confess. They are nothing without each other, they would be blank without them together. Her grave would be entitled, "loved Tyler Rose"; as he came up to her grave, crying, knowing hes the one she chose. she'd watch over him, kissing his cheek goodnight; heck, how could she ever say goodbye?
and we promise no animals were harmed in the making of this poetry.........
The ice is now melting, and starting to bring forward to life another fine spring. Mother nature moves in a mysterious order, pushing the envelope and blurring the border. Seasons are changing ever so fast, try to enjoy them before they are past..........
A bear with her cub will soon hibernate, and the water in the pond will be ready to skate. Snowflakes are falling as dew turns to frost, any chance of harvest soon will be lost. The snow has drifted deep on the ground, the colors of nature nowhere around........
Leaves are now falling all on the ground with shades of yellow, red , and brown. Nuts are dropping down from the trees while the air is turning colder, riding the breeze. Trees shed their leaves, and flowers drop their petals, birds have left their nest deep within the nettles. Rabbits all burrow deep in their hole, a pawn of nature, playing its role............
Oaks are now green, and so are the elms, nature is busy coloring all of its realms. Bees are all active making their honey, days have turned hot, and skies remain sunny. Corn is still growing with nights no longer cold, as wheat in the fields is turning bright gold......
Flies softly buzzing, and birds faintly chirping, down by the creek comes the sounds of slurping. Flowers start to blossom, and trees start to bud, frequent light showers turning the ground to mud. Frogs begin croaking, while birds start to sing, as sounds of insects make the night sing. A doe and a buck will soon make a fawn, foraging at night, and hiding at dawn......
Standing by as it goes faster and faster, Keeping in mind the things we need to master. Our character defines, who we will be, Not even close to the person we thought we would see. Keeping a small amount of any grace, Knowing the memory can never be erased. There always seems time to pass the buck, Until the moment, when we run out of luck. People cannot be as blind as they pretend to be, Yet they do not see, all they think they see.........
The stars so solemn, and shining bright looking out into the endless night. Walking around in this place so blind, searching for clues that we cannot find. Like floating helplessly upon a raft, never illuminated by one single shaft. We are starting over when we should be at the end, stumbling with feelings that we always seem to send. Seeing ourselves in the other persons eyes wondering if we, were ever really that wise. Sealing a chapter to part of our past. Playing our role, in life's great cast...........
Never careful of the stones we throw, Missing an important chance to grow. Wanting to retrieve all those wasted years, Taking back the thousands of tears. Wondering if life is worth the pain we endure, Yet passing the test becomes the cure. Measuring time in the way that we live, Never by the many sacrifices we give. Stealing a single moment just for me, Knowing this could be my last one to see. The pendulum stops swinging mid blow, Blocking that one chance, we had to grow.........
Moon shining in an open field, A door left open and never sealed, A stairway illuminated by the dawn, The path that was once there now is gone. That book once lying out on a table, Its cover now worn, so you can not read the label. A picture, that can no longer be seen, Could it be, some unforgotten queen, The message is lost, now gone with time, Can you think of a more heinous crime? An inventive mind can see much more, Visualizing an image, never seen before. Secrets become very dangerous things, They are the fall, of all great kings.........
Not one can tell us how it all starts, leaving us feeling like we have been torn apart, it gives us hope that there is a chance, then we forget the steps to life's great dance. Hoping to see our own way through to the one door that makes it all true. No rhyme or reason nor right or wrong, hearing echoes in our hearts for way too long. Yet it never fades even after it is gone, the passionate memories it leaves, lingers on. Losing the innocence of thinking everything is good, making others see just what they should. Finding more to others than we would ever believe, watching the tales, and lies that they weave........
Slowly, drops the ball, as the shadows continue to fall. A stark and solemn lonely cry, two hearts that are about to die. Of the lives once again lost, such an unimaginable cost. Souls left unraisable, because of eyes that were glazed. Their last chance is fleeting, as the reaper is retreating. The memories fading fast, all fallen from the past. Deep into the dark of night, never to see the light.......
Two little girls, that walked away, never to come back from that fateful day. Their precious lives were taken, a bond forever lost, in the breaking. Frame by broken frame, it seemed such an endless shame. Days that continue to fly, is it a truth or just another lie? Weeks turned into months, still no one joins the hunt. Years have already gone by, still we want to know why.......
Two lives have begun at hello with a rose at their hearts that they were so unwilling to ever let it part, yet at hello they have given their rose that they cherished for so long and now bear a rose that will never perish, for as long as they hold it close to their heart that is whole, their love's rose will glow brighter and so will their very soul......
We all hope for a way to make all the pieces of a shattered life fit together. In the end, they never seem to fit the same or seem to fit at all. Still we try to clean up the mess that always gets left behind, and when we hit that wall, we find a way around it. We hide the pain, and hope that no one sees. The scars are always there to remind us of that moment when our lives changed, and we somehow became part of those pieces that never fit together quite the same. But deep down inside, we are who we are, and we find the strength within ourselves, and learn that the heart is a lot harder to heal than it seems.....
The darkness seems to hide so much, we can never escape, that fatal touch. Losing our way while trailing the crowd, missing our exit as we kept our heads bowed. Fighting so hard to reach the end of the line, yet missing totally, the meaning of the crime. Trying to master, what it is they are thinking, stealing our thoughts without even blinking. Shaking others by what it is they do, breaking away is done by so few. Shadows that start to consume them, shoving them further out on a limb, pushing the envelope as far as it will go, wondering how it got quite this low. A void so deep, it can never be filled, walking away so it becomes sealed......
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, you learn that love doesn't mean security, you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts, and presents aren't promises, and you learn to accept defeat with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, and you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain and futures have a way of falling down in mid flight, after a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much......
Have you ever stared at the sky during the day or night, wondering which has more meaning,
which is the best for sight. The beginning of the day is beautiful at the dawn,
but is hard on the eyes at noon,
looks the same when it's gone as it did during the beginning, now the moon is up above
free from the sun's blinding light, free for sight to now love......